2/25/2015 San Jose

Today is Ben’s birthday. Jill wanted to do something special. We went for a walk to a couple of parks, and the National Library of Costa Rica. We stumbled upon a tiny cafĂ© with delicious sandwiches. It also had a parakeet that wouldn’t stop singing a dog that laid down under my chair and happy people stepping in and out. We took the train to a mall and wandered around there for a while.… Read the rest

2/16/2015 Antigua

Today is our last in Antigua for a time. Of course the day is gorgeous. The sky is brilliant blue. The volcanoes are clear of clouds. So, I’m watching Fuego puff it’s puffs. Agua sits to the south stretching upwards like the earth slowly trying to invade heaven.
Soon we will go find bus tickets for our journey south. We leave Guatemala behind, something seen, something done, future fodder for small talk with strangers.… Read the rest

2/11/2015 Antigua

Yesterday, I sent the laundry to be done. I had managed to get food all over one pair of pants and yellow chalk on the other. I studied Spanish on Duolingo. We went out to the market. Jill went to her cooking class and I walked over to a presentation by a woman who started a charity called WINGS. Her organization provides access to birth control for women who can’t afford it.… Read the rest