1/13/2015 San Cristobal

Our teacher looked like Don Quijote. Instead of a pot on his violently subdued grey hair he wore a black beret. Of course a beard and mustache matched the hair and fit his craggy face to a Tee. He taught extemporaneously, preferring, like our everyday experience, to lay it all on us at once.
I realized quickly and I think so did he that I didn’t understand a lot of his Spanish.… Read the rest



Jill is outside on her computer. I’m inside on my computer. Today is Tuesday, that means we walk down the street to get the weekly Eagle. Its a highlight. Seven days until we leave for Cancun. Technically eight but its a very early flight. Yesterday we got our last immunization shot. Now we are just packing and tying loose ends. Yesterday we agreed to volunteer at a chocolatier outside Antigua, Guatemala next month.… Read the rest