

Dome House beach

Jill slept in this morning. She forgot to set her alarm and I got up before her. That never happens. I made oatmeal and coffee for us.  I cleaned the bathroom and Jill cooked a bunch of rice and lentils. Then we kayaked over to the dome house. We thought about going to the sandbar but it seemed too far. We saw a big group of dolphins going that way though.… Read the rest



I’m reading The Laughing Policeman. I’m trying to finish it before we leave for Mexico. It is a Swedish Crime novel I found here. I like the story and it is taking place with Stockholm winter setting in. It is a good reminder what Jill and I will be missing out on this year. I continued reading it when I woke up this morning instead of going for a walk with Jill.… Read the rest



Jill is outside on her computer. I’m inside on my computer. Today is Tuesday, that means we walk down the street to get the weekly Eagle. Its a highlight. Seven days until we leave for Cancun. Technically eight but its a very early flight. Yesterday we got our last immunization shot. Now we are just packing and tying loose ends. Yesterday we agreed to volunteer at a chocolatier outside Antigua, Guatemala next month.… Read the rest