I’m on a bus leaving the city. It’s smelly and bumpy. It’s familiar stores fly past for the last time, at least for a long time. On to Antigua and elsewhere. The ride is long and uncomfortable. I’m sitting with two shopping bags and a book bag. I’m unable to move more than a couple inches. The window is wide open and the driver wants it that way.… Read the rest
Month: December 2014
12/25/2014 Coban, Guatemala
Christmas Day here brought more fireworks at noon. I’m not sure why, but midnight and noon were special Christmas firework times. I didn’t do a lot today. I fiddled with the low-flow toilet for a while but I don’t think I adjusted the flushes correctly. Jill and I watched Gran Torino and The Watchmen on Netflix. The Watchmen is a bloody movie, I forgot that from the first time I saw it.… Read the rest
12/17/2014 Coban Guatemala
Jill and I walked to Pais today. I went into Mega Paca and saw the same clothes I saw the other day. I need to go to the two little pacas across the street from it but I forget about them. Yesterday we went to the Finca Santa Margherita. That is a coffee plantation a few blocks from Fresh. We asked about a tour and they only have them in Spanish.… Read the rest
12/14/2014 Coban Guatemala
Yesterday I had lunch with Mauricio. I met Mauricio on Friday when he came over to Fresh for a drink and he invited me to lunch. He’s gregarious and we chatted a while. He owns a restaurant a block from Fresh where he works 14 hour days 6 days a week. He only serves Pupusas. Pupusas are patties of corn tortilla dough with some Mozzarella cheese in the center.… Read the rest
12/11/2014 Coban Guatemala
Yesterday, we walked to pick up our laundry. Then we went to the Maxi Paca and I found a fancy Patagonia shirt for 30 Quetzals. I put the shirt on when we returned to Fresh Retaurant. It was exquisitely warm in this chilly dampness. Last night we watched the most recent Bourne movie on Netflix. We’ve watched them all now. It’s very confusing when an actor shows up as a different character from movie to movie.… Read the rest
12/8/2014 Coban Guatemala
Today I thought was the day of my last pair of socks then I found another pair in the bottom of my day pack. I thought that made my day. Jill and I ate some oatmeal this morning and I thought that made my day. Anne raved about my hummus and tuna salad on a bagel creation which she’s been eating for 2 days and I thought that made my day.… Read the rest
12/7/2014 Coban, Guatemala
Today is Dia de Los Diablos in Guatemala. that means that people take their garbage out into the street and burn it. The Lonely Planet Guatemala book said there are costumed devils that run around too. I haven’t seen any evidence of this yet. Maybe it will start in the evening. I am quickly finding a routine here in the city.… Read the rest
12/4/2014 Coban Guatemala
Jill and I made it to Coban yesterday morning. We spent the day discovering our new surroundings. We are staying in john’s house. Guido was here but he left this afternoon. Johns house is gorgeous. It has tile floors and a big kitchen with many gadgets. His mother, Pam, lives here and will return in a couple weeks. John is the owner of utopia hostel and most often there.… Read the rest
12/2/2014 Lanquin Guatemala
It started raining last night. We sat and chatted with two Czechs from Canada. It was their last night here. Lenka was trying to gently turn down an amorous Cuban’s emailed invitation to Paris. She has a hearty laugh and a quick smile. Peter has worked in the oil industry in Canada for 4 years. His Czech and Canadian accent has me hang on his every word with quiet amusement.… Read the rest
Here I’m sitting in a hammock listening to a sermon in Spanish from our neighbor church. Jill, me and Florie are alone in an empty hostel. Wellington went to watch the futbol game somewhere. I was thinking last night about football. In USA it’s a game where the main body part touching the ball are hands. Seems like soccer/futbol has a better claim to the name.… Read the rest