THis morning we went to the ruins of Tik’al. We caught our bus at 8 AM from the hostel. Tik’al is about an hour from Flores. There were a four brits on the bus, Jasmine and Paul, and another couple who were just taking the shuttle to the ruins. We stopped in Santa Elena and picked up a family from Long Beach who had come to Guatemala to visit their grandmother in Antigua. We were an international group. The ride took us through several small towns with roadside food stands that appeared delicious. We arrived at the main gate and paid entrance fees, then it was another 20 minute drive to the ruins where we got out. Our guide was named Jose. We followed him to the first building. There were so many buildings that I can’t really describe them all. It is an awe inspiring jumble in my head. They were stone and mortar each with special odd numbers of things all over them. There were palaces, temples and pyramids. We walked around so many, yet it is only a small portion of what is there. There are even more buildings buried under mounds of jungle. On the 12th we are off to Lanquin. I don’t have Time to write more.
Great photo of the toucan – and the one of Jill, too! : )
Toucan in a coffee tree?
It was a toucan, here are the birds of tikal. we also saw the Quetzal’s cousin, thats what the guide called it. Im not sure if it was a coffee tree though. The toucan was eating the little berries.
Thanks for taking us along on the grand tour.